
Employment Law Advice

  • Business owners, managers and HR professionals call us to help navigate their sensitive employee issues — managing underperformers, responding to employee concerns, worker classification, wage payment rules, hiring processes, workforce restructurings, and other legal compliance questions.
  • We additionally advise individual employees with regard to employment and separation agreements.
  • Since the firm’s founding, we have been publishing a quarterly newsletter, Takeaways, to inform employers of concrete actions they need to take in response to developments in the law. We added a blog some years later to delve further into specific employment law considerations. We invite you to subscribe to either or both.

Employment Policies & Agreements

  • Where many see tedious legalese, we see opportunity.  We avoid the “copy and paste” approach, and get to know the unique vision, culture and strategy of each of our clients.
  • We regularly work with organizations on developing and updating their employment policies to provide appropriate notice to staff but in a user-friendly tone that is unique to each client.
  • We further draft and refine all manner of employment agreements, including offer letters, non-compete, trade secret and confidentiality agreements, and separation agreements.

Workplace Investigations

  • We are regularly called upon to serve as independent, outside investigators and fact-finders, conducting workplace investigations in response to internal employee complaints.
  • Our investigations experience is deep and varied. We approach workplace concerns through an Employee Relations lens, typically focused on an organization’s policies, and with sensitivity to the potential underlying legal issues. We have neither a “scorched earth” nor a “gotcha” mentality.
  • We are committed to considering all perspectives and relevant information before making findings or reaching conclusions.  We share our experience and best practices through our most recent blog series on Workplace Investigations, to support employers in responding effectively when employees raise concerns.

We don’t just conduct investigations; we teach best practices as well. Tracey and Shelley have both worked as educators with the Cornell University ILR School’s Scheinman Institute in Manhattan, and have helped develop and deliver their series of courses on conducting effective workplace investigations. Tracey is also a member of the Association of Workplace Investigators, and our team of attorneys regularly reflects on and refines our approach to workplace investigations.

Administrative Agency Charges

We defend businesses against discrimination, wage and hour and unemployment claims before government agencies.  If the matter proceeds to hearing or litigation, we work with organizations to ensure a smooth transition to litigation counsel.

What our Clients are saying: